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If anyone is interested, I wrote a simple Python-based systemd service to make use of the OLED screen and User button.
Answering myself. Yes, there is a quite nice method. There's an event associated with this button. /dev/input/by-path/platform-gpio-keys-event points to an event (number 5 in my case). This is the script (Python3): import struct with open(f'/dev/input/by-path/platform-gpio-keys-event', "rb"...
Thanks. 1. I believe you forgot to add 5 to the final result, so the pin is 29. 2. I'm using Armbian and there's no /sys/class/gpio directory (no sysfs for gpio), so the only way to access gpio is to use gpiod tool. It's miserable, I know :( Long story short - I've found a way to read the status of ...
Does anyone know how to access user button programatically?
According to the doc it should be connected to GPIO0 D5 but I cannot see any change in returned data from

Code: Select all

sudo gpioinfo gpio0
when the button is pressed and when it's not.
Hi. I'm using official OpenMediaVault software with NAS kit which has been installed on eMMC. According to the doc (wiki page) there is one I2C located on GPIO header. In the CM3588 NAS SDK Schematic pdf I've found that SDA=Pin3 and SCL=Pin5. I'd like to use it for OLED screen. I do have some experi...
I cannot find anything about GPIO pins (40) of CM3588 NAS Kit.
Has this been published somewhere yet?