Power & Source of Big Ideas

Hi, newbie here I have nano pi 2 with debian jessie installed I've tried to connect it to some hardware (turn on/off led, buzzer, move servo, etc) but i couldn't find any resource(docs, google) that I need yet I've succeeded to turn on&off led.. this forum post helped me to find out the gpio add...
- What TF card did you use and what power supply did you use? Sony class 10 I used 2A wall charger, 2A powerbank, laptop usb, - i get this problem only if i corrupt sd card OS image. All you need to do if the image is corrupt is rewrite it to sd card, and make frequent backups... I've tried debian, ...

My Nano Pi 2 won't boot.
It only shows FriendlyARM... and it restarts over and over
And now it overheats every time it's plugged into power source

Anyone have same issue or solution for this condition?