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Top half: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4u7l6vli3v3vfgl/npi4v2a.stl Bottom half: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w2852em6197lw7b/npi4v2b.stl Additional components needed: NanoPi Neo4, the huge heatsink (looks like a brick), and this set of M3 extenders: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BRK411L . Case picture: htt...
Are there plans to modify the GPIO/WiringNP libraries to support Core4418 or other s5p4418 single-board NanoPi computers?
FriendlyCore's Linux distro for NanoPi Core4418 seems to be missing the g_mass_storage.ko and g_multi.ko kernel modules. I'm familiar with the task of rebuilding a kernel and its modules, but is there a way to take FriendlyCore's patched Linux kernel and compile the missing modules myself (just for ...
Has anyone successfully used a NanoPi computer as a thumb drive or an Ethernet device? Raspberry Pi Zero and ODroid C2 can do if. I’m sure NanoPi can too, but I’m not sure how.
I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Have any other forum members encountered examples of how to write to the NanoHat OLED's screen with C instead of Python? Given that the BakeBit libraries were written in C, I imagine it's feasible to write a C program that will use them. I'm looking to do som...
I've always wondered, why is there an antenna supplied and attachable to the NanoPi Neo4? There's neither a WiFi chipset nor a Bluetooth chipset. What's the purpose of the antenna?
Macchanger will let you set the MAC address. If you give two devices the same MAC address: Basically what theoretically should happen is that each one of the two devices with the same MAC will receive some of the frames destined to any of them. Which will be a complete mess. The situation can be muc...
One solution would be a simple web server. Python + bottle + hostapd = fun. You could use JavaScript as part of the solution, but you don’t have to. Bottle will serve a simple website to port 80 (or whatever). You can write a Python script to generate the right webpage(s) to let the user configure h...
ATXRaspi or Powerboost 1000C might suit you. They hook onto a couple of GPIOs on the motherboard. They were built for the Raspberry, but they should work on Nano. I’m still trying to figure out how to use a pair of GPIOs when the whole connector is occupied by a touchscreen... Ah. Ribbon cable and ...
Booting from the Ubuntu/FriendlArmy image for the NanoPi Neo 2, I can't find any /dev entries for the on-board eMMC storage (8GB). If there's an easy way to check the output of dmesg, or a /proc or a /dev file, to look for an explanation them I'm all ears. If the board doesn't contain 8GB of storage...
In case anyone is interested, I've written a set of instructions on how to add two WiFi dongles to the inside of a NanoPi Neo 2 (with NanoHat OLED & aluminum case) while leaving the external USB port available for other uses. https://www.dropbox.com/s/oa9dybcqzalwig4/Ash%20layout.pdf
The solution was to upgrade from Xemial to Artful.
Running ldconfig.real -i (ignoring auxiliary cache) ought to rebuild the library cache. Instead, the binary generates a segmentation fault. This error is reproducible on the original FriendlyCore Xenial image and the FriendlyCore+OLED image from here . It does not occur with the Armbian 5.34 (4.13 k...
Following http://wiki.friendlyarm.com/wiki/index.php/NanoPi_NEO2 , I downloaded the NanoHat OELD-friendly FriendlyCore image from: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gGoGdNHyNLUKkL82UvwbP5RYXhzECsLG The kernel is missing the dm-crypt module. I can rebuild the kernel to include that module, but where ...
For the Neo2 you could use the mainline Kernel of armbian - there is dm-crypt available after modprobe dm-crypt You're absolutely right. I've been trying Armbian as well; unfortunately, the NanoHat OLED installation script doesn't seem to work properly on the Armbian distro. So, either I go with a ...
Does the NanoPi A64 version of Ubuntu/FriendlyCore/FriendlyArm (whatever it's called) include the dm-crypt kernel module? I'm asking because the NanoPi Neo2 version (nanopi-neo2_ubuntu-oled_4.x.y_YYYYMMDD.img.zip on the Wiki page) is missing dm-crypt. If dm-crypt is present in the NanoPi A64 version...
Well, it worked. I attached two field-stripped USB devices to the NanoHat OLED, plugged it into a NanoPi motherboard, and enjoyed access to the two devices. Yay. I'll put together a tutorial someday.
Only GND and 5V on the 12-Pin land are connected and the rest pins are open.
For more details on the 12-Pin connector refer to NanoPi NEO/Air/NEO2's wiki site.

Thank you. I missed that part of the Wiki.
I'll give this a go & see what happens. :)
ash2.jpg (196.74 KiB) Viewed 6367 times
I plan to solder two additional USB devices to the NanoPi Neo2 board via the underside of the unused USB port pins (1-5 on the single-row pins?). This will work if those pins aren’t being useful by the NanoHat OLED, which will be connected to the board by the two sets of pins (single-row and double-...
For the NanoPi Neo there exists an aluminum case to house it and the NanoHat OLED together. The NanoHat OLED is compatible with the NanoPi Neo Air; the aluminum case isn’t, but I could design and print a plastic case to house the screen and motherboard. Has anyone done that already? Are there plans ...