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Hello, I am having problems to be able to perform the transmission (read / write) of data via I2C on the NanoPC-T2 with android. I open the I2C port and set the slave with the following commands. devFD = HardwareControler.open("/dev/i2c-0", FileCtlEnum.O_RDWR); if (devFD < 0) { Toast.makeT...
Hi, I'm using NanoPC-T2, and I'd like to achieve I2C communication on Android. I open the port with the following command and set the I2CSlave without problems. devFD = HardwareControler.open("/dev/i2c-0", FileCtlEnum.O_RDWR); HardwareControler.setI2CSlave(devFD, 0x48) But I have a problem...