Power & Source of Big Ideas

Hello im trying to complete web stream like for NANOPI M1. I bought CAM500B and NanoPI M3. Via nanocams utility camera works. Now im trying to capture video from camera via v4l2., But i didnt find a OV5640 camera in /dev/video0 .i have a /dev/video4 /dev/video5 /dev/video6 /dev/video7 /dev/video8 /d...
Hello i tryed to work with COM-Port via Python3 serial. I send and must receive a message Serial settings is uart = serial.Serial() uart.port = "/dev/ttyS2" uart.baudrate = 115200 uart.timeout = 1 Sending and receiving is uart.open() uart.write(pack1) sleep(1) addr1 = uart.readline() uart....
Hello, i need to start DHCP server on NanoPI Neo. I have installed isc-dhcp-server packet . I have edited nano /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server with INTERFACES='eth0', also i have edited conf file for DHCP like this: subnet netmask { range; option domai...