Power & Source of Big Ideas

Did you get it working? Which compile settings do I have to make to get the isp1 driver compiled and loaded? Thanks. No. And it's no reason to make it work on current generation on FriendlyElec/Rk3399 hardware - since it's was designed without ability to work with dual cams. In the specs it is stat...
Is the isp1 Driver included? rk gstreamer with dual camera supported? It's up2date with FriendlyARM sources which means its there ... but untested since I don't have any cameras. I can confirm that: - driver rkisp1 and both ISP's (at 0xFF9 1 000 and 0XFF9 2 00 address ) present; - no /dev/videoX de...
Still no working dual camera support even with the latest (20190625) version and I think I'm not the only one.
The csi1 connected camera is extremely slow and distorted.
Is the isp1 Driver included? rk gstreamer with dual camera supported?
I would like to work with two MCAM400 modules on a nanopi M4 in parallel. I read that this should be possible with the latest Image containing isp1. Is that right?
Can someone please provide a minimum working example for capturing both images to files.

Best regards
Is it possible to run two Mcam400 cameras in parallel with the latest Friendlycore Image?