Power & Source of Big Ideas

Hi Sonel, folks, Thanks -- I didn't know that OpenBLAS wasn't GPU-optimised, but it makes sense. As you say, the GPU is a variable element so can't be relied on without many many different versions, depending on which of the many devices is used. I'm looking at the schematic and the SoC user guide; ...
Hi there, well ... eventually I realised that for my day-to-day use of the board as a server, I simply needed a passive heatsink. but -- before that, and after my ears had recovered from the noise of the in-built fan ... I plugged in a little (cheap) boost converter on the fan pins, and drove a big ...
Hi there, I'm slightly puzzled by the power supply circuits as well. I note that the schematic shows a dedicated ETA3451 driving the CPU (VCC1P1_ARM), with the AX228 being used to drive the SoC core (VCC1P0_CORE) -- from what I can glean from the Samsung S5P6618 data sheet, I'd guess the GPU is the ...
Replying to my own mail -- sad. Hi again Folks, OK -- I didn't find the answer on the M3 wiki, BUT ... on the M2 wiki, there's <http://wiki.friendlyarm.com/wiki/index.php/File:NanoPi-M2-1602-if.png> Compare with <http://wiki.friendlyarm.com/wiki/index.php/File:NanoPi_M3_1512B_Dimensions.png> SO ... ...
Hi Folks, The M3 has an on-board RTC. This loses contents when the board loses power -- no surprise. There are two pads on the board that are for an external RTC battery; one pad is square and the other is round. I have looked at the wiki, but can't find an answer. So ... I have two questions: i. Is...
Hi folks, as a quick follow up: I unscrewed and removed the fan and instead inserted a plain 25mm x 25 mm x 10mm heatsink -- it fits perfectly. Unless you're running heavy CPU jobs, it's fine (the heatsink is warm but not hot, and the CPU temp is showing as 42). It also reduces the board power consu...
Hi folks, Please bear with me, as I'm a bit rusty with this Linux stuff (well, very rusty for the last 15 years - last used 2.2.39). I'm trying to use iptables, but I can't get it to not track some traffic (using the NOTRACK or CT --notrack targets). I'm using a recent version of iptables-persistent...
Hi there, many thanks -- this picture is exactly what I needed. The surgery is a little fine for my clumsy fingers, so for now I'll leave the M3 sat on the access point. When I do need the M3 to work at range, I'll just have to be careful with the soldering iron :) many thanks & happy year of th...
Hi folks, for completeness & those of us coming late to the party, this fix has been incorporated in the recent debbie system image. so ... s5p6818-debian-sd4g-20161117.img (after update) already has this fix. [ ... and, joining in with everyone else, thanks to the author of this patch :] all th...
Hi there well .. the reason you couldn't get the fan to work when connecting to the fans pins on the motherboard is that you're unlucky :). So was I. We had a 50-50 chance of getting it wrong, and we both did. What should be in the Wiki for the M3 is that the pure red "hot" lead from the f...
Hi Folks, so ... I have received my new M3 (arrived within 2 weeks in the UK, which is good). ...BUT... there's no IPX antenna socket in the new board layout. As mentioned in another topic, the in-built chip antenna is as useful as a chocolate teapot. I can connect only if I place the M3 on top of t...