Power & Source of Big Ideas

i dont really know the problem because i have tested pins a lot of time but its working on smart development board correctly. Maybe something wrong with sd card slot . Thank you for your reply.
I want to use mems microphone (i2s connection) with smart 6818 but cpu pcm pins connected to ES8316 everest sound chip, how can i use module with this board like raspberry pi? microphone chip: INMP441 aliexpress url: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001136116589.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.611f48...
I buy a Smart6818 2gb model from aliexpress. It cames with android image (as i can understand from uart) and it boots emmc with default. But i didnt buy expansion board (i buyed bare board) and i make sdcard slot for it (i supply by 3.3v) and give 10K to pins like your expansion scheme. Screen Shot ...