Power & Source of Big Ideas

There is an alternative for the deprecated WiringPi https://github.com/vsergeev/c-periphery which works fine on my NanoPi devices - Nano Pi (ARMv7/ARMv8) and NanoPI M1. I am the author of the Dart port of c-periphery: https://pub.dev/packages/dart_periphery The GPIO numbering is a little challenging...
Hi Kenneth!

My theory - the hub was sent without any firmware. Due the hardware change of the chip on the hub installing the firmware failed and nobody had controlled the result of the firmware installation.

with best regardrs
At this point you must say no. Sorry for my in-complete description.

The NanoHat works now for me! But due the many steps yesterday, I am not sure what was the exact reason for the problem. Yesterday I installed the newest image for the Nano Pi nanopi-neo_sd_friendlycore-xenial_4.14_armhf_20181011.img Please re-check everything with the newest image. If the NanoHat i...
I send also an e-mail two weeks ago to the support. But no answer. I tried to flash the Hub again with the firmware. But this step fails with an error. http://wiki.friendlyarm.com/wiki/index.php/BakeBit_-_NanoHat_Hub#Jan-20-2017 avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9516 avrdude: Expected signature for AT...
I can confirm, there is also a problem with NeoPi and the NanoHat hub. Out-of-the-box installation of the nanopi-neo_ubuntu-oled_4.14.52_20180628.img OS image. Attaching the hub and the led of the NEO Project Super Starter Kit. Installing the SW according the WIKI. But the led test fails. Double che...
WIKI: http://wiki.friendlyarm.com/wiki/index.php/WiringNP:_WiringPi_for_NanoPi Please update your fork repo - or provide the original repo https://github.com/wertyzp/WiringNP The original repo fixed some important errors - there were some pin mapping errors. It costs me nearly some hours to find the...