Power & Source of Big Ideas

Private mode didnt help me. Nor does VPN to another country. Earlier i was able to download ONE file then back to the no files available that the others are getting trying to get a 2nd image. Trying to get it from the china site, the files come down as deb files, not images. i have no idea why the ...
Open the link for downloads in an Incognito or Private browser window and the files will magically appear. Looks like an issue with One Drive. One Drive is notoriously bad about large file downloads. It may be better to host downloads on a download service with mirrors or in torrents so we can all l...

Edit /etc/netdata/netdata.conf
In the [web] section add fd* to your allowed lines
* ex allowed connections from = fd* 192.168.*

Netdata now responds to IPV6 local link addresses.

FriendlyWRT rk3588-usb-friendlywrt-22.03-docker-20230211 Default config If I open and go to Status > NetData it works as expected. Going to http://[fd00:ab:cd::1]/cgi-bin/luci/ > Status > NetData results in: The connection was reset The connection to the server was reset while the page w...
Open this download link in an Incognito Window: https://download.friendlyelec.com/. There is something wrong on OneDrive. This works around it.