Power & Source of Big Ideas

CVBS (Composite Video Baseband Signal) is a connection for CVBS/FBAS Video Output and not for a clock-battery:

bobt wrote:
Can you power the NanoPi Duo2 with the 5V In/Out pin and a ground instead of using the USB input?

Yes - you can power your Duo2 via these pins ;)
Duo2_5V_Power.jpg (35.57 KiB) Viewed 12008 times
maks.dav wrote:
Can I use the board NanoPi NEO Air with Ethernet?

Directly not, but ypu can buy a WiFi Bridge (like Vonets) and connect the Air to the WiFi on the WiFi Bridge and on the other side of the bridge is a Ethernet-Connector....

WiFi_Bridge_Vonets.jpg (68.43 KiB) Viewed 16263 times
Did you take a look at the wiki-page for the 1307-matrix-rtc?:
https://wiki.friendlyarm.com/wiki/index ... trix_-_RTC
because the R2S is supported by armbian you could use the armbian-build-system to generate u-boot and linux for the R2S:
https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guid ... eparation/
it seems that the onboard memory has died :(

Got such a problem with 1 of my 8
OrangePi One.

I also got there the ouput from the bootloader and then nothing :(
on some Ubuntu-PCs I could reconfigure the keyboard like in debian -
maybe worth a try:
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
I cannot find any specification of JSM567 as mentioned on the datasheet of the NAS Kit. I can only find JMS576 so I assume it is a typo on all the datasheet provided by FriendlyArm ? Can anyone confirm? root@npi-neo2:~# lsusb Bus 004 Device 002: ID 152d:0578 JMicron Technology Corp. / JMicron USA T...
mostly when I got this problem there was any empty/bad /etc/resolv.conf Never get DNS-servers to "work" from /etc/network/interfaces. I had to manually write them to /etc/resolv.conf like (where GUIDO is my domain): search GUIDO domain GUIDO nameserver nameserver Without DN...
This one, I asked something very common and easy for the manufacturer. I want to add this software switch with this script to my NanoPi NeoPlus2 https://howchoo.com/g/mwnlytk3zmm/how-to-add-a-power-button-to-your-raspberry-pi a button for safe shutdown should be possible fo the NeoPlus2 but no Wake...
What kind of support forum is his? 3 times I needed some help and posted a thread.Never got a response. I'm out Hmm - FriendlyARM does not much support on their forum :( Most of the time a normal user does help the other user - but because this is no payed support you will only get help if another ...
I downloaded both Armbian-images en tried them. Unfortunately only one usb-port was working and there was never any audio-codec detected. I don't know if there are different versions of the nanopi-a64? I know the nanopi-a64 is unsupported at Armbian, but I thought it was good to let you know. Hi Ha...
now kernel 5.4.y - with buster or bionic at the armbian page (with no official support) - . CSC-state : https://www.armbian.com/nanopi-a64/ or up to kernel 5.6.5 in the dev-tree via the armbian-build-system check also this thread: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/9308-experiment-armbian-on-nanopi-a64...
There are also armbian server or minimal images with ubuntu and someone has tested snaps successfully on a NanoPi Neo Air: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snaps-on-armbian/1799 Maybe thats also a way for you/your company? I dont know if it actually does work, because of https://forum.armbian.com/topic/...
Are these R1S or R2S models? because both are with the yellow case...
@FATechsupport @chensy I did hear that FriendlyElec (and other companys) have problems buying H5-CPUs - so maybe Allwinner is phasing out the H5? " Sorry, we can't buy the h5 chip now. It will be difficult for us to continue to produce NEO2 Black boards. " So it seem bad for H5-boards like...
simonflex wrote:
Thank !

the actual armbian debian buster version for the Neo2 is:
Armbian_20.02.1_Nanopineo2_buster_current_ with kernel 5.4.20 at
https://dl.armbian.com/nanopineo2/archi ... _5.4.20.7z
you can check that if you only install usbip - if you could fine then the complied modules on your system.

It look like this package does have the modules compiled from the source-package.
I think the next should be the H6 because of the QuadCore A53 (like the H5).

The H5 isnt displayed anymore at the Allwinner H-Series page:
http://www.allwinnertech.com/index.php? ... ndex&pid=6

Allwinner_H_series.jpg (28.67 KiB) Viewed 10143 times
Hi everybody There is well-known software for x86 processors. It consists of a usbip utility, Help me please. on armbian I did only find the usbip-package: root@npi-neo2 :~# uname -a Linux npi-neo2-24 5.5.0-sunxi64 #trunk SMP Mon Feb 17 18:21:22 +03 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux root@npi-neo2 :~# apt-cach...
DB9.jpg (22.96 KiB) Viewed 10275 times

The blue connector isnt VGA. Its a DB9 serial-RS232 connector.
The NanoPi Neo2 hasnt Video-Out - so you cant connect VGA or HDMI.

The NanoPi Neo2 is build to use it headless (without a monitor) and only remote or via the serial Debug-Port.
Hello, I was wondering if this single-board computer can read/write onto 1TB USB Flash drive? I know it has max size limit of 64GB on microsd slot. The 64GB limit should only we a "probem" of the card reader slot (or at the time of when the limit was written there was no bigger card). As ...
koval wrote:
I found that correct TTL is 3.3 V and speed 9600.
But when I connected, nothing printed in terminal.

Any suggestion ?

the debug-port of the Neo2 has 5V and the right speed is 115.200
i've almost given up troubleshooting this. i'm wasting too much time on this. i guess i shall use it as a paperweight if i can't get it to work :D How about booting armbian for the R1 from sdcard and installing armbian via armbian-config to emmc? You could use this sdcard-image (flash it with etche...
6) then I tried "sudo putty", serial connection with /dev/ttyUSB0, speed: 115200 it opens up a terminal window but it's blank and nothing happens. i'm quite lost. i don't know how to connect to the Nano Pi with a serial cable. oh how i regret messing around with those network settings to ...
sami wrote:
AP6212 Module

Nope ;) the AP6212 is on the NanoPi R1 only - the NanoPi R1S has a Realtek-Module on the picture
(see attached)

WiFi_R1_R1S.jpg (73.73 KiB) Viewed 13578 times
1. does this work with Nano Pi R1? I see Nano Pi has "UART x1: 2.54mm pitch 4-pin-connector". I guess same size as this. 2. can i fix my problem from serial console - flash eMMC? 1.) The NPI R1 (not the new R1S) has the same 2.54mm Pinout as the Neo/Neo2 - should work. 2.) maybe you dont ...
... to use the power LED as a "General Morse Code Display" as a primitive form of visual interface, so it can be used for small short "messages"... for turning LED steady on: echo 'default-on' > /sys/class/leds/nanopi:blue:status/trigger for turning LED off: echo 'none' > /sys/c...
Is there infos about how it works and perhaps how to disable it and use the LED for other purpose? for using it as HDD-Led for the scard (mmc0) use: echo ' mmc0 ' > /sys/class/leds/ nanopi:blue:status /trigger for turning it off: echo ' none ' > /sys/class/leds/ nanopi:blue:status /trigger other op...
Thats OK - this is the "Heartbeat" Signal
Because the pictures are very small, I cant see the number of the Realtek Wifi-Module chipset. FriendlyElec does state armbian-support on the webpage, but the is only armbian for the NanoPi R1 without S, which does have another WiFi-module? Can we get better/bigger pictures and informations about th...
with armbian the PCM5102A hat is working with
mainline kernel 4.19
dev-kernel 5.3.3

I used the debian buster version of armbian for that ;)

https://forum.armbian.com/topic/9009-in ... d-dev-533/
check the page

there you could see on the upper left 2 Pins for +5V IN/OUT (5V VDD) and then after the 3.3V (OUT-Pin - do connect nothing to this) is GND = Minus/earth
Duo_pinout2-02.jpg (202.7 KiB) Viewed 12297 times
download the mainline-image https://dl.armbian.com/nanopineo2/archive/Armbian_5.91_Nanopineo2_Debian_buster_next_4.19.59.7z or dev-image https://dl.armbian.com/nanopineo2/nightly/Armbian_5.98.191006_Nanopineo2_Debian_buster_dev_5.3.3_minimal.7z unpack it with 7ZIP and write it to MicroSD-Card with e...
ProDigit wrote:
What's the best option to connect a monitor to the Zeropi?
I have either a USB monitor, or a monitor with HDMI or VGA connection.

because there is no VGA/HDMI you could only use USB or a remote-desktop session (RDP/VNC/SSH)
you could try some "unofficial" self-build armbian (like a pine64 fork) where eth0 & wlan0 does work: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/9308-experiment-armbian-on-nanopi-a64/ (you need a small .dtb/.dts-tweak for getting the upper usb-port working) armbianmonitor -u System diagnosis info...
Information here: https://www.friendlyarm.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=69&product_id=266 and http://wiki.friendlyarm.com/wiki/index.php/ZeroPi and https://www.cnx-software.com/2019/09/05/zeropi-allwinner-h3-sbc-gigabit-ethernet-spi-flash/ I dont understand why FriendlyARM doesnt ...
rvalvekar wrote:

got this also on some new installations of armbian ;)

ps -ef|grep apt

If there is only the task of this command for apt then you could apt again - if there is more you should wait to let the installation be completed.
I only have such weird dmesg-messages (because the LicheePi uses OTG and switches his USB behaviour), when I power/connect my LicheePi Zero via the Neo2 USB port: [294267.541980] usb 5-1: new high-speed USB device number 28 using ehci-platform [294267.889945] usb 5-1: device descriptor read/64, erro...
Continuing: I've read the 2 top links guidol provided (the bottom 2 were broken links/non-existent) as per link, need to add the line OK, I had two links in only line :( here the two again: https://zeldor.biz/2010/12/unable-to-enumerate-usb-device/ https://paulphilippov.com/articles/how-to-fix-devi...
there seem to be problems with the device on port 3-1: [ 2.637111] usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [ 3.089093] usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [ 3.877094] usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [ 4.329091] usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [ 5.505091] u...
should not happen to NanoPi Neo2 No2, because I got 2 old Neo2 running ove a year and a LTS Neo2 1GB Ram now runjing for about 6 months.
how about openwrt-18.06.1_sunxi-cortexa7_prebuilt_20190109.tar.gz https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PHtHLgQ-5rmlHlkLbdGbkU2Ss8ezgXDf nanopi-r1_sd_openwrt_4.14_armhf_20190117.img.zip https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Bt2YVhXCvhlnfzXfMmeZYZpFrMh3dRbb nanopi-r1_eflasher_openwrt_4.14_armhf_20190117.img....
LTolledo wrote:
Could be the SoC already?

or the ethernet-cable or port of the cable?

Did you swap against another port/cable and double-check if there is no double IP?
from where did you "git clone"?
for the other NanoPi's are here the instructions:
http://wiki.friendlyarm.com/wiki/index. ... ld_OpenWrt

or download compiled OpenWRT (SD or eflasher) from here:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... GkfijH0frC
some time ago I searched about performance-fine-tuning the /etc/samba/smb.conf and ended up with the following parameters in the [global] section: [global] workgroup = GUIDO server string = %h server hosts allow = 192.168.6. log level = 1 log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m max log size = 1000 syslog =...
Compiling an OS need courage :) I was looking for a finalized version which is stable and well tested. I have no experience with compiling Linux system. I read the thread you sent me and seems that you got a working version but with some patches. is that something I can trust for a product deployed...
The other os images you suggested, are they stable? and is there a minimal OS without UI image? if you want it stable and headless - try to compile a actual version of armbian as experiment (should also work with normal maninline and not only dev-version): https://forum.armbian.com/topic/9308-exper...
I only know the "old" FriendlyCore image at https://drive.google.com/open?id=1n73b3H7jGJ8T9XdFno6GK_X8TZ6RTcBN or Ubuntu from the user avafinger https://github.com/avafinger/nanopi-a64-firmware or as experiment a "headless"/server-version of a actual armbian ;) https://forum.armb...