Power & Source of Big Ideas

I built a custom PCB to fit an SSD into the KeyE slot. All the required PCIe traces are impedance matched on my adapter board. I'm using a Samsung PM9A1-based 1TB SSD capable of PCIe v4.0 with 4 lanes. Now after examining your schematics : on page 8 there are "PCIE20_X" lanes, they are pro...
Thanks, I disabled rtc0 in kernel config, rebuilt the kernel and now it's working as intended. Note: smaller battery simply doesn't exists, but it's not the battery causing the "not-fit" issue, but the connector. The connector can't be any higher than it's without its other half: hence I h...
One small addition. RTC seems partially working now with an udev rule to make "rtc1" as default RTC (instead of rtc0). However, in spite I have these below lines in my udev rule: KERNEL=="rtc1", SUBSYSTEM=="rtc", DRIVER=="", ATTR{name}=="rtc-hym8563 5-005...
I found significant issues with RTC on NanoPi R5C. 1.) When attaching the battery connector, the board is NOT fitting in the CNC housing anymore. 2.) In spite of attaching the battery (and measured 3.0V polarity-correct), RTC is not keeping the date and it always resets to 2017. Here are a few logs:...