Power & Source of Big Ideas

If anyone is interested, I wrote a simple Python-based systemd service to make use of the OLED screen and User button. https://github.com/ppsx/cm3588-oled-screen Thanks it seems to be very nice. Waiting for my Oled screen I will then make a try : you save my time as I was wondering to make somethin...
This is mine :) https://makerworld.com/en/models/428371 https://i.postimg.cc/HcXWyVx1/nas-01.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/8fGpBNJJ/nas-02.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/ns6crvn1/nas-03.jpg Got it printed out, nice casing even it is a little high for me. I changed the fan with 5V one and get it connected dire...
Thanks. 1. I believe you forgot to add 5 to the final result, so the pin is 29. 2. I'm using Armbian and there's no /sys/class/gpio directory (no sysfs for gpio), so the only way to access gpio is to use gpiod tool. It's miserable, I know :( Long story short - I've found a way to read the status of...
First you need to identify the proper pin : GPIO0_D5 => Bank 1 pin bank=0 => 0*32 group ∈ {(A=0), (B=1), (C=2), (D=3)} => group = 8*3 = 24 pin = 0*32 + 8*3 + 0 = 24 What is the output of : cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio24/direction if you have this not existing, you need to create the proper pin config: e...
I am more limited by my wireless connection for the moment. Did not add a change to make a direct 1Gb Ethernet connection to check.
Here is the result with Iozone3 as numbers are often better than spec ;) iozone -t1 -i0 -i2 -r1k -s1g /tmp Iozone: Performance Test of File I/O Version $Revision: 3.489 $ Compiled for 64 bit mode. Build: linux Contributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby Collins Al Slater, Scott Rhi...
I use snapraid and mergerfs. I think for the usage I have it is more than enough.
I think you probably need to setup the screen for that resolution. Here is an example :

Hi, I installed casaos over openmediavault : I have the benefit of both then ;) The heat could be high but with a 40mm fan I get 35°C in normal conditions. I can remember the T°C in full load. For the NVME I bought cheap one on Amazon : FIKWOT FN501 pro : 4x2To : keep in mind that we have only one l...

I found very few support to be honnest.
Neverthelss by using the available data and what is available for othr RK3588 board, I have no blocking point at the moment.

This board is really good with openmediavault ;)
This is very nice.
Probably a hole for the power button on the front side and a hole for a small OLED display and that would be perfect. I am very noob for 3D modeling so I will just to try one case already existing.
Here is the code I use to start the fan at startup. Probably usefull for all of the CM3588 users. 1 - Create a new init.d script, for example, /etc/init.d/gpio_setup: sudo nano /etc/init.d/gpio_setup 2. Add the following content to the script: #!/bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: gpio_setup # R...
I made it using the schematic and the formula found on a rk3588 wiki :
pin = bank*32 + group*8 + number;

GPIO1_D3 => Bank 1 pin
bank=1 => 1*32
group ∈ {(A=0), (B=1), (C=2), (D=3)} => group = 8*3 = 24

pin = 1*32 + 8*3 + 3 = 59

We are now at the same level ;)
This is making the trick for me :

Code: Select all

echo 59 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio59/direction
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio59/direction

Should probably create a /etc/init.d for that?

Got it running OMV with 4 Nvme. Fan is not working out of the Box : echo 59 > /sys/class/gpio/export echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio59/direction echo 1> /sys/class/gpio/gpio59/value # to switch on the fan output echo 0> /sys/class/gpio/gpio59/value # to switch off the fan output Now I need to find a...
I have 4 installed and they are all working properly. What is the output of "lsblk" command line?
This CM3588 is very good for OMV : very simple to install. Only thing for me is the fan which is not working and I am trying to find a solution and the fact no case is available yet even for 3d printing (no time to design one).