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yaazzz wrote:
I made it using the schematic and the formula found on a rk3588 wiki :
pin = bank*32 + group*8 + number;

GPIO1_D3 => Bank 1 pin
bank=1 => 1*32
group ∈ {(A=0), (B=1), (C=2), (D=3)} => group = 8*3 = 24

pin = 1*32 + 8*3 + 3 = 59

We are now at the same level ;)

Thank you
This is making the trick for me : echo 59 > /sys/class/gpio/export echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio59/direction echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio59/direction Should probably create a /etc/init.d for that? Regards. Thank you for that, curious where did you find which GPIO pin to use? I'm also curious to ...
I have connected the ZH1.5-2pin connector to the 5V CPU fan socket to a 40mm fan, however the fan does not turn on.

The fan works fine when powered from GPIO pins.

I've checked the voltage across 5V pins and it was only 0.10V.

Does this CPU fan need to be activated via /sys or GPIO somehow?
