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I understand that changes in InputReader.cpp only influence the touch-screen. The screen rotation can be disabled in 'frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml' by "<bool name="config_forceDefaultOrientation">true</bool>" **) and "<bool name="config_supportAutoRot...
For landscape display on Android 8, ensure your app's layout accommodates both portrait and landscape orientations. Leverage the "res/layout-land" folder for landscape-specific XML layouts. Test thoroughly on various devices to guarantee a seamless user experience, providing flexibility fo...
For landscape display on Android 8, ensure your app's layout accommodates both portrait and landscape orientations. Leverage the "res/layout-land" folder for landscape-specific XML layouts. Test thoroughly on various devices to guarantee a seamless user experience, providing flexibility fo...
Leveraging the landscape display feature in Android 8 enhances user experience by providing a broader, more immersive view. Whether gaming, watching videos, or multitasking, the landscape mode optimizes visual engagement, showcasing the versatility and user-centric design of the Android 8 operating ...