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Moderators: chensy, FATechsupport

Hello, Friends

I am trying to load a FriendlyARM images into mini6410 from the available shipped DVD,and i will be using kingston 4GB SDHC Class4,2GB HP secure digital,128MB Kingston and 1GB Kingston sdcards,but i failed to images into mini6410 using these cards,just the LCD was blinking.

Previously i have loaded the Linux using 4GB Sandisk SDHC Class4 card,it was successful but unfortunately that sdhc card was damaged . So can i have a solution for this friends ??.

And one more thing,Initially Tiny6410 has Linux os insideand I just resetted the tiny6410 CPU,after i switched on the board there is no OS inside tiny6410 and i try to load wince into it using the above types of sdcards,only LCD was blinking.

Thanks in advance
Hello Friends,

I want to change the wince6 startup logo to custom logo in Mini2440 ,Kindly guide me how can i acheive this task.

Thanks in Advance :)

If any body ported WINCE7 to FriendlyARM Tiny210 , Kindly let me know the procedure.


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