I am developing a driver for a panel that is connected through a NT35532 controller. Basing my code off of the panel-simple.c and initialization codes from the panel's manufacurer, I have a crash while the video modes are probed. This is my timing structure:

static const struct drm_display_mode default_mode = {
.clock = 148500,

.hdisplay = 1080,
.hsync_start = 1080 + 97,
.hsync_end = 1080 + 97 + 84,
.htotal = 1080 + 97 + 84 + 16,

.vdisplay = 1920,
.vsync_start = 1920 + 4,
.vsync_end = 1920 + 4 + 1,
.vtotal = 1920 + 4 + 1 + 2,

.vrefresh = 60,
.flags = 0

After a few tests, I have also detected than in the init function I can not read a simple value like the panel id:

char smallBuffer[20];
ret = mipi_dsi_dcs_read(dsi, 0x0A, smallBuffer, 1);
//ret is -22(-EINVAL).

Why would this function return an error?. Take into account that A)This read is the first command I invoke. B) The hardware is our own design, and if this error can be traced back to a hardware problem it would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance!