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What is the NanoPI Fire3's baud rate and other settings?

Moderators: chensy, FATechsupport

I'm trying to boot my Fire3 to see if it works. I've written the SDHC card and, as I don't have 1 of the 2 screens or a Micro HDMI adapter (I did buy one, and it magically turned into an anti-snoring device :( ), I wanted to use my serial UART adapter.
I plugged it in as pictured: http://wiki.friendlyarm.com/wiki/images ... T-NEO2.jpg
And ran screen with:

Code: Select all

screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

as was recommended in this post: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=2245&p=6213&hilit=baud#p6213
I'm getting only garbage.
I then tried all the different settings of screen for the device:

Code: Select all

screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200,-ixon,-ixoff,cs8,-istrip

I did toggle the settings, ixoff, cs8, and istrip independently and
in combination.
I also tried the baud rates down to and including 2400 which are listed here: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/q ... -are-there
For those who don't want to have to open the webpage they are:

Code: Select all

110, 150, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600

I'm running an up-to-date Devuan (debian) linux on an amd64 machine. My screen version is:

Code: Select all

Screen version 4.05.00 (GNU) 10-Dec-16

Do the same with Armbian and it will work out of the box. In fact there are two serial consoles along with getty running by default. One is accessible via 4 pin connector, the other via mUSB. Both are configured with the same speed.

On stock images you will need to enable all this on your own.
Ok, I wrote the armbian image to a separate SDHC card. I'm still getting garbage though. I just tried 115200 speed. I'm getting the same junk I got with the original image.
I have verified the image and mounted the fs to check I wrote it correctly on my main computer.
ballsystemlord wrote:
Ok, I wrote the armbian image to a separate SDHC card. I'm still getting garbage though. I just tried 115200 speed. I'm getting the same junk I got with the original image.
I have verified the image and mounted the fs to check I wrote it correctly on my main computer.


screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 ?

Can you check some other converter or this one on some other board? Perhaps there is a hw defect?
Ok, I've ordered a different model. I only have one currently.
Due to the length of time it requires to get one here from china, should I create a new thread or just post here when I receive it?
You were correct about my serial board. It can't handle a rate of 115200. I purchased 2 serial modules. A CH340G and a CP2102. Both worked well, but the CP2102 worked even at 1500000 (not with the Nano PI Fire3 of course), whereas the other did not. Here is the exact product: https://www.ebay.com/itm/CP2102-USB-2-0 ... 3040184784
I don't recall what my original serial adapter was.
I found that these settings worked: screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200,cs8
Other combinations also appear to work, but cs8 MUST be set.
Thanks for your help!

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