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Neo Air-LTS WiFi without serial on Focal or Xenial

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:42 pm
by skipfire
I have a Neo Air that I haven't managed to figure out a good way to get WiFi connected. With other devices I've done headless work on I have used wpa_supplicant.conf on the SD card that has the OS, but the image that goes onto the SD card appears to be the bin to burn onto the eMMC instead. Is there an option that allows file based wireless configuration to be fed via the micro-SD card, or is it mandatory to log in over serial? Ideally a solution that works after the initial OS load to eMMC has happened. I'm hoping to build an image that I can load onto the eMMC with OS & configured software and then have a user configure it at a deployment location where I have no clue what the WiFi details will be.