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Bricked pik2

Moderators: chensy, FATechsupport

My pi k2 will no longer boot any images. I plugged
It into my pc via usb and it is recognized as a device. Is there a way to unbrick my unit?
Has it got a UART port that you can plug something like the PSU-ONECOM into and look at the boot messages?
hough wrote:
My pi k2 will no longer boot any images. I plugged
It into my pc via usb and it is recognized as a device. Is there a way to unbrick my unit?

Did you try another card or to write the images with the software "Etcher"?

Just an update, unfortunately i do not think it will help many people. My Pik2 was not bricked,, it just had no display. I could access it from the network SSH. After putting it on a scope i found D4 sod-303 was missing. turns out its pretty important. I must have broken it off when i was playing catch in the yard with my pops. I replaced it aand have it back up and running.

Thanks for the help.
hough wrote:

Just an update, unfortunately i do not think it will help many people. My Pik2 was not bricked,, it just had no display. I could access it from the network SSH. After putting it on a scope i found D4 sod-303 was missing. turns out its pretty important. I must have broken it off when i was playing catch in the yard with my pops. I replaced it aand have it back up and running.

Thanks for the help.

You have to follow the publisher to see if they release a new version to update it to the latest version, which will have many support features as well as fewer errors compared to the previous version. Anyway, congratulations to that person for successfully finding and fixing the error.

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