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Uboot creation

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 4:13 am
by kicker22004
I'm looking to build a uboot for the NanoPi-k2 for work towards a Debian image but can't seem to find the Uboot source code. The wiki is failing in one part.

git clone

That seems to not exist. Can someone please respond so we can get back to work on this. Thank you

UPDATE: The wiki seems like it has a typo. The link should read like this.
git clone

Re: Uboot creation

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 7:12 am
by boudyka
good spot.

So we do need to create a new uboot for Debian ? Does this mean the Android uboot isn't sufficient and would be replaced ? How would you boot the Android image afterwards ?

On the tinker board, Asus have released both img for android and none of this fiddling...?