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Updated Armbian Ubuntu or Debian

Moderators: chensy, FATechsupport

- enabled Bluetooth
- kernel 4.4.179 align with latest upstream sources
- tested on M4 and T4 http://ix.io/1MYD
- updated repository
- clocked back to normal CPU speed 1.5/1.8Ghz to minimise thermal throttling
- added wireless drivers for 88x2bu
- updated wireless drivers for Realtek 8811, 8812, 8814 and 8821
- updated wireless drivers for rtl8188eus & rtl8188eu & rtl8188etv

Is the isp1 Driver included? rk gstreamer with dual camera supported?
Harandk wrote:
Is the isp1 Driver included? rk gstreamer with dual camera supported?

It's up2date with FriendlyARM sources which means its there ... but untested since I don't have any cameras.
Do we have an estimate as to when the stable kernel will reach 4.20?
mikegleasonjr wrote:
Do we have an estimate as to when the stable kernel will reach 4.20?

4.20 will never reach stable. Its already EOL.

We provide 5.1.y (perhaps only in beta repository) but its ofc not stable yet. Check forum https://forum.armbian.com/forum/33-rockchip-3399/ to understand how far certain features are. Perhaps 6 months for server, 12 or more for (almost) full features?
Harandk wrote:
Is the isp1 Driver included? rk gstreamer with dual camera supported?

igorp wrote:
It's up2date with FriendlyARM sources which means its there ... but untested since I don't have any cameras.

I can confirm that:
- driver rkisp1 and both ISP's (at 0xFF91000 and 0XFF9200 address ) present;
- no /dev/videoX devices present(should be video0-video7 for dual-cam), while drivers is build (based on config). I believe, that something wrong with dts configs.
- as I remember, Rk specific gstreamer plugins never was a part of armbian (for both "old" and "new" ISP driver) - but it was relatively easy to build (need to install some dependencies and 1-2 small fixes, like hard-coded build path etc).

I will return to more detailed evaluation of this question on next week and inform you about results ;)
How does FriendlyDesktop compare performance-wise to Armbian Bionic and Buster?
crsp wrote:
How does FriendlyDesktop compare performance-wise to Armbian Bionic and Buster?

Armbian is faster cca. 10-30% because of many small but effective optimizations that comes by default

Kernel is virtually the same, so it can't be worse.

BTW. I am currently using NanoPC T4 with Bionic as my summer house router, NAS and KODI media player.
igorp wrote:
- enabled Bluetooth
- kernel 4.4.179 align with latest upstream sources
- tested on M4 and T4 http://ix.io/1MYD
- updated repository
- clocked back to normal CPU speed 1.5/1.8Ghz to minimise thermal throttling
- added wireless drivers for 88x2bu
- updated wireless drivers for Realtek 8811, 8812, 8814 and 8821
- updated wireless drivers for rtl8188eus & rtl8188eu & rtl8188etv


Hi! Can you show log after execute the command inxi -Gxx for the T4? I think of transition from the FriendlyCore Ubuntu-Bionic... ;) Because software rendering brakes at reproduction of video I try to see a films, Rockchip 3399 is loaded for 100%. When I try to use Bluetools loudspeaker, the sound is torn, I hear interruptions and I believe that it is connected with high loading of CPU. :roll:

Code: Select all

labuzhskiy@NanoPC-T4:~$ inxi -Fxz
System:    Host: NanoPC-T4 Kernel: 4.4.167 aarch64 bits: 32 gcc: 6.4.0
           Desktop: Cinnamon 3.6.7 (Gtk 2.24.32) Distro: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
Machine:   No /sys/class/dmi; using dmidecode: root required for dmidecode
CPU:       6 core  (-MCP-)  bmips:  arch: ARM
           clock speeds: max: 1416 MHz 1: 1416 MHz 2: 1416 MHz 3: 1416 MHz
           4: 1416 MHz 5: 1416 MHz 6: 1416 MHz
Graphics:  Card: Failed to Detect Video Card!
           Display Server: x11 (X.Org 1.19.6 ) driver: modesetting
           Resolution: 1920x1080@60.00hz
           OpenGL: renderer: llvmpipe (LLVM 8.0, 128 bits)
           version: 3.3 Mesa 19.0.2 Direct Render: Yes
Audio:     Card-1 realtek driver: rt5651-codec port: realtek_rt5651-
           Card-2 rockchip driver: hdmi port: rockchip_hdmi
           Card-3 ROCKCHIP driver: SPDIF port: ROCKCHIP_SPDIF
           Card-4 USB Audio Device driver: USB-Audio
           Card-5 C-Media driver: USB Audio usb-ID: 005-004
           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.4.167
Network:   Card: Failed to Detect Network Card!
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 240.1GB (Used Error!)
           ID-1: /dev/nvme0n1 model: STORAGE_DEVICE size: 240.1GB
           ID-2: /dev/mmcblk1 model: N/A size: 15.6GB
Partition: ID-1: / size: 10G used: 5.9G (59%) fs: overlay dev: N/A
           ID-2: swap-1 size: 8.00GB used: 0.00GB (0%)
           fs: swap dev: /dev/nvme0n1p2
Sensors:   None detected - is lm-sensors installed and configured?
Info:      Processes: 253 Uptime: 22 min Memory: 1445.5/3858.1MB
           Init: systemd Gcc sys: 7.4.0
           Client: Shell (bash 4.4.201) inxi: 2.3.56
Running HD content with KODI at the moment:

Code: Select all

System:    Host: nanopct4 Kernel: 4.4.179-rk3399 aarch64 bits: 32 gcc: 7.4.1 Console: tty 1
           Distro: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
Machine:   No /sys/class/dmi; using dmidecode: dmidecode is not installed.
CPU:       6 core  (-MCP-)  bmips:  arch: ARM
           clock speeds: max: 1416 MHz 1: 1416 MHz 2: 1416 MHz 3: 1416 MHz 4: 1416 MHz 5: 1416 MHz
           6: 1416 MHz
Graphics:  Card: Failed to Detect Video Card!
           Display Server: X.org 1.19.3 driver: modesetting
           tty size: 112x29 Advanced Data: N/A for root out of X
Audio:     Card-1 realtek driver: rt5651-codec port: realtek_rt5651- Sound: ALSA v: k4.4.179-rk3399
           Card-2 rockchip driver: hdmi port: rockchip_hdmi
           Card-3 ROCKCHIP driver: SPDIF port: ROCKCHIP_SPDIF
Network:   Card: Failed to Detect Network Card!
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 512.1GB (91.6% used)
           ID-1: /dev/nvme0n1 model: N/A size: 512.1GB
           ID-2: /dev/mmcblk1 model: N/A size: 15.6GB
Partition: ID-1: / size: 15G used: 3.2G (24%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/mmcblk1p1
           ID-2: /var/log size: 49M used: 18M (40%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/zram0
           ID-3: swap-1 size: 1.07GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/zram1
Sensors:   None detected - is lm-sensors installed and configured?
Info:      Processes: 232 Uptime: 2 days Memory: 755.5/3811.2MB Init: systemd Gcc sys: 7.4.0
           Client: Shell (zsh 5.4.2) inxi: 2.3.56

Zaslonska slika 2019-07-16 19-48-57.png
Zaslonska slika 2019-07-16 19-48-57.png (113.12 KiB) Viewed 49425 times
I am glad that the work is being done and it turns out. Well done specialists from Armbian.
But I have a question - how can I get away from the XFCE shell?
I understand its advantages, but I would also like to have a system without a graphical shell (not turned off, but simply not installed), because there is MATE and LXDE ...
pavelectric wrote:
but I would also like to have a system without a graphical shell

CLI images:
igorp wrote:
pavelectric wrote:
but I would also like to have a system without a graphical shell

CLI images:

And i couldn’t get the standard audio output to work on the Armbian ...
ayaromenok wrote:
Harandk wrote:
Is the isp1 Driver included? rk gstreamer with dual camera supported?

igorp wrote:
It's up2date with FriendlyARM sources which means its there ... but untested since I don't have any cameras.

I can confirm that:
- driver rkisp1 and both ISP's (at 0xFF91000 and 0XFF9200 address ) present;
- no /dev/videoX devices present(should be video0-video7 for dual-cam), while drivers is build (based on config). I believe, that something wrong with dts configs.
- as I remember, Rk specific gstreamer plugins never was a part of armbian (for both "old" and "new" ISP driver) - but it was relatively easy to build (need to install some dependencies and 1-2 small fixes, like hard-coded build path etc).

I will return to more detailed evaluation of this question on next week and inform you about results ;)

Did you get it working? Which compile settings do I have to make to get the isp1 driver compiled and loaded?
pavelectric wrote:
And i couldn’t get the standard audio output to work on the Armbian ...

Standard ... you mean HDMI audio? I don't know for CLI images, but on desktop HDMI is default IIRC.

alsamixer ?
3.5... Pulse
pavelectric wrote:
3.5... Pulse

Aha, never tried that. I have T4 here, but nothing to plug-in ;) Office time in a few weeks ...
Harandk wrote:
Did you get it working? Which compile settings do I have to make to get the isp1 driver compiled and loaded?

No. And it's no reason to make it work on current generation on FriendlyElec/Rk3399 hardware - since it's was designed without ability to work with dual cams.
ayaromenok wrote:
Harandk wrote:
Did you get it working? Which compile settings do I have to make to get the isp1 driver compiled and loaded?

No. And it's no reason to make it work on current generation on FriendlyElec/Rk3399 hardware - since it's was designed without ability to work with dual cams.

In the specs it is stated "supports simultaneous input of dual camera data".
I made my buy decision based on that.
Harandk wrote:
In the specs it is stated "supports simultaneous input of dual camera data".
I made my buy decision based on that.

Well, me too :(
Since this board made in communist China (and not at Republic of China(aka Taiwan) or mainly Chinese Singapore) - specs doesn't matter.

Welcome to 1984 world of specs\support ;)

PS: Spend 14 years at beginning of my life in 1984 world, blame myself to make it happens once again :(
If you’re new to Armbian, the Getting Started section provides a tutorial for everything you need to get Armbian running, and answers many Frequently Asked Questions. It then continues on to more advanced topics.

If you need help, and have read through Getting Started, check out Troubleshooting.

If you still can’t find what you need here, visit the Armbian forum, where your input can help improve this documentation.
Images updated to latest legacy, current to 5.3.y:
https://forum.armbian.com/topic/12210-a ... ase-notes/
Build system to 5.4.y:
https://forum.armbian.com/topic/12277-u ... t-targets/
Images were updated to 5.4.y and latest 4.4
Updates ... updates.
New kernels and more ...
The sound did not work on July 18, it does not work now...

pavelectric wrote:
igorp wrote:
pavelectric wrote:
but I would also like to have a system without a graphical shell

CLI images:

And i couldn’t get the standard audio output to work on the Armbian ...

And it seems that few people are interested in the stable operation of the operating system.
Why does the 5.XX image recorded on the SD card not work, but on the MMC.
There are 100,500 duplicated topics created on the Armbian site, where everyone wants to separate this question into a separate topic, although (in 70% of cases) there are answers in neighboring topics.
Does Armbian collect some statistics on the operation of its operating system?
It seems to be a list of problems, and each item in the list is solved and crossed out ???
Or do you not work like that?

Of course, the official manufacturer of the board does not indulge us with frequent releases of new system assemblies and it’s boiling over the way of formatting and distributing the partitions of the “hard disk”, this is perhaps the main minus of the official assembly - it is simply ugly distributed.
But ... start the official version of the operating system - EVERYTHING works and IMMEDIATELY. And sound and communication.

Or maybe the problem is that the “main people from Armbian” have no NanoPi M4 board?
And you can’t personally check the assembly for performance? Let me give it to you ... maybe then things will go better.

Of course, I understand that all work is free and based on the interests of people, nobody owes anything to anyone, but ... You are conducting quite active advertising (promotion) of the entire product ...
The sound worked on July 18th and it is working now. I have used Nanopi T4 on my summer holidays as a media player. my kids would not watch cartoons for three weeks without a sound. No idea why you didn't have sound.

Major updates are very stressful and expensive events. They can easily costs 10 - 20.000 EUR and between major ones we have bug fix releases. I would gladly skip them to save my time, but then other part of never satisfied "customers" who gets everything for free, who are happy with updates will write us similar frustrating messages. I am not sure this will do any good.

I truly understand your frustration when something doesn't work, but please please, don't push that on us. No, we can't go from bottom up and fix everything. It is not possible for the 3.000 EUR which you granted to the project for whole year. We also don't have know-how on all areas and we are way too little to cover a job that normally costs millions.

If you have a problem, hire help. Leave us and I would also say, leave FriendlyARM out. No company, not even a Google can provide a support users sometime wants.Other two at least make money, we use our own money to be able to help you. I know you know that, but are you able to look on this thru my eyes?

Does Armbian collect some statistics on the operation of its operating system?
It seems to be a list of problems, and each item in the list is solved and crossed out ???

We tried https://github.com/armbian/testings and we are still trying to improve https://github.com/armbian/autotests ... just its destined to fail without your help. I can't put two full timers - which is estimated as a need that this will jump up.

There are 100,500 duplicated topics created on the Armbian site, where everyone wants to separate this question into a separate topic, although (in 70% of cases) there are answers in neighboring topics.

I agree on that. Forum is getting messy - ad is out for almost one year. Not a single one approached while I am running out of options and ability to moderate it. I can try to limit access down more to make it smaller and manageable. Which is bad again. What if good people go and bad remains. You will complain again ;)

But ... start the official version of the operating system - EVERYTHING works and IMMEDIATELY. And sound and communication

Will we change on better because of this? With the same resources we had to drop something. You propose less updates, while it can help (perhaps to get more rest) to save some time but I am not sure this is good enough.

Our main product is anyway a build engine, not exactly a particular board support. But even without, support is in most cases at least as good or bad as stock. Not worse as you are trying to use as an excuse telling us that we are just not good enough.

Happy 2020!
Thanks for the detailed answer.
1. I in no way reproach you or your work, I say this honestly and openly. The scope of work is truly amazing.
2. With regards to hardware, I’m talking about the M4 board, and not about the T4 (I don’t have it) and the sound on it (standard 3.5 connector) does not work.
3. Currently, fewer people and less time are ready to do what they love as a hobby; many more important things have appeared in the world.
4. It is impossible to probably create a universal core - a shell for the 3399 chip, since a huge number of devices that work in completely different ways have been released on its basis.

I can only wish good luck in the development of your project and creative success.
Of course, I will whenever possible provide assistance, albeit small, albeit insignificant.

- kernel 5.7.y
- improved 1st login with location based semi automated language / locales detection
- Ubuntu Bionic/Focal or Debian Buster/Bullseye
- compiled with GCC 9.2
- updated wireless drivers
- upgraded download infrastructure (still a bit in works)


How to build from sources?

Code: Select all

git clone https://github.com/armbian/build
cd build

Armbian 20.11.3 bugfix release is out! Detailed report - what has been fixed and what's new:
https://www.armbian.com/newsflash/armbi ... ix-update/

v21.02.3 (2021-03-09)
- All kernels received upstream updates
- All images has been rebuilt
- Fixed reboot troubles on meson64 family (Odroid N2, C2, H4, HC4)
- ZSH upgrade fixed
- Type-C DP support for the NanoPC T4
- NanoPi M4V2 stability fix for current and dev
- Allwinner a20 fail to init hdmi in many cases / fixed (all images need to be rebuilt)
- Attempt to improve stability on Helios64

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