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Looking for explanation as to LEDs display

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 11:55 am
by Yaacov Fenster
We are using the R2S with Ubuntu Jammy and on occasion we see a case where the box freezes with weird LED displays. Since we are currently not modifying the LED display we suspect that the display indicates a problem at alower (hardware) problem and would appreciate a pointer to information as to how we should decode these displays:

The weird displays that we get (all occur during normal system activity with the normal LED flickering)
1. RED Led is on in a solid fashion
2. No LEDs on at all
3. Red LED blinking in an irregular fashion
4. Solid red LED and LAN green LEDs

Re: Looking for explanation as to LEDs display

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 8:21 am
by GertgamsOakus
When encountering irregular LED displays on your R2S running Ubuntu Jammy, these indicators could potentially signal underlying hardware issues or system anomalies. Understanding these LED patterns might help diagnose the problem:

    Solid Red LED: Typically, a solid red LED can indicate various hardware problems or errors. It might suggest power issues, overheating, or hardware failure. Checking power connections and ensuring proper ventilation might help mitigate some causes.
    No LEDs On: A complete absence of LEDs might signal a power supply or hardware failure. It could indicate a lack of power reaching the LEDs, suggesting a broader hardware issue.
    Irregular Blinking Red LED: Irregular blinking, especially in the red LED, could imply system instability or possible errors occurring during system activity. It might be indicative of software crashes or system faults.
    Solid Red LED with LAN Green LEDs: This combination might indicate a network-related issue or hardware malfunction affecting the LAN interface. It could imply network connectivity problems or faults within the network hardware.

Decoding these LED patterns often involves consulting the device's documentation or manufacturer's resources. Additionally, reaching out to the manufacturer's support or community forums specific to the R2S hardware might provide further insight or troubleshooting guidance for interpreting these LED displays.

Given that these LED patterns occur during normal system activity, it's prudent to monitor system logs or diagnostic tools within Ubuntu Jammy to correlate any system events or error messages with these LED patterns. This could help pinpoint the root cause more accurately.

Lastly, consider inspecting hardware connections, ensuring proper ventilation, and verifying the integrity of power sources to rule out any potential environmental or power-related causes for these irregular LED displays.