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Moderators: chensy, FATechsupport


I'm very interested in buying a NanoPi R5S - however, I need to use buildroot. In your wiki for the r5s [1], the link for Rockchip's buildroot does not exist. Could you please tell where your buildroot is now.

Thanks in advance,

[1] https://wiki.friendlyelec.com/wiki/inde ... root_Linux

It's repo based. If you do following steps, you will get it:
mkdir buildroot-rk3568
cd buildroot-rk3568
repo init -u https://github.com/friendlyarm/buildroot_manifests \
-b rockchip-kernel5.10 -m rk3568.xml --repo-url=https://github.com/friendlyarm/repo \
repo sync -c --no-clone-bundle

For more information, you can visit: https://wiki.friendlyelec.com/wiki/inde ... for_RK3568

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