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R5C 2Gb no eMMC -- does not boot with SD image

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:01 pm
by spacenoodle

I recently bought a R5C 2GB, however when trying to boot it with SD card image I get this screen:

I am trying to use the latest version of FriendlyCore with Ubuntu 20.04: rk3568-sd-friendlycore-focal-5.10-arm64-20230627.img.gz (from Google Drive).

I have tested on my R5C 4Gb and R5S 4Gb and the same booting screen appears. However, using the older version:
rk3568-sd-friendlycore-focal-5.10-arm64-20230314.img.gz works fine on the 4Gb models, but not on the R5C 2Gb no eMMC model.

Is there something I am missing? Or does someone have a working image for R5C 2Gb that runs Ubuntu core?

Best regards,