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Proxmox on CM3588

Moderators: chensy, FATechsupport

I've got the CM3588 board and followed wiki to install proxmox.
Then I did:

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cd /opt/archive
dpkg -i ./linux-image-6.1.57_6.1.57-21_arm64.deb
dpkg -i ./linux-headers-6.1.57_6.1.57-21_arm64.deb
apt install zfs-dkms zfsutils-linux # make sure the headers are not pulled

to get ZFS working. Without the new header I was getting errors about something misaligned in the module.
But after all the setup and creating VM I'm getting error:
KVM virtualisation configured, but not available. Either disable in VM configuration or enable in BIOS

Proxmox guide mentions checking for KVM and I am missing it. I've tried

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modprobe kvm
but it fails with:
modprobe: FATAL: Module kvm not found in directory /lib/modules/6.1.57

Now I'm wondering if I need to compile the kernel myself somehow? Or was the kvm in the original kernel and the /opt/archive version doesn't have it for some reason? Can I download ready image & header with KVM included and then later install zfs dkms packages so they work?

Thanks for any pointers!
Interested in this as well. I found someone's blog called Tao of Mac that setup Proxmox-port on his CM3588 with similar issues.
That makes three of us. I've tried multiple configurations with the same results (zfs and no kvm or vice versa):
OMV image w/ proxmox installed
FreindlyElec Proxmox image
Armbian and debian arm installed w/ proxmox on top
UEFI boot with various ARM isos.
etc. etc

I am very much looking forward to getting this working w/ clustering. :)

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